photo by Juan Ferragut, Barcelona

Fan Mail

Dear Kristin, thank you so much for submitting a semifinalist proposal for Atlas Obscura’s First Journey prize … We think your idea is awesome, and may even be in touch with you about it in some capacity in the future. Would you be willing to let us share your idea with our readers at some point? If you would, feel free to reply with your thoughts and preferences. And really, thanks again.
Sommer Mathis, “Atlas Obscura”

You really are seeing the movie I made …
and I am unbearably grateful that you are on this.
Carol Dysinger, Academy Award-winning director, “Camp Victory, Afghanistan”

Kristin, (this is) the most original program pitch I’ve ever seen! And either it took lots and lots of time to create or you’re extraordinarily talented, should quit your day job, and start writing!
Bob Olive, Director of Georgia Public Television Broadcast Services

Thanks again for your help and your powers of persuasion. You’re better than a sheep dog in New Zealand rounding up this flock (of PBS stations.)
Joan Konner, Dean Emeritus
Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, NYC
Filmmaker & Executive Producer, “Mystery of Love”

Kristin – Thanks again for your usual excellent work on Joseph Campbell & The Power of Myth with Bill Moyers … you did remarkably well under the circumstances. You’ll certainly hear from us when our next production needs your input. All best, AL
Alvin H. Perlmutter, Independent Production Fund, New York City

Kristin, I knew your interest in nature and the outdoors would make you the perfect advocate for the film. This is a fantastic framing of the film, and very eloquent. It’s funny, I hadn’t really made the link to Campbell’s (Hero’s) Journey, but of course that makes perfect sense… I very much wanted this film to have a strong narrative dramatic arc (I studied narrative film at AFI), so I’m very glad that you emphasize the arc of the story. Bravo! Thank you for all your hard work on this.
Tal Skloot, filmmaker, “4Wheel Bob”

It does my heart good to know that you are the person working on this (project) … truly fantastic work.
Lesley Norman, Executive in Charge, NOW on PBS

The Arizona State University engineers …will be thrilled to find out how many people watched their story unfold. Thank you so much for all your efforts … here’s hoping that I will have another show for you in the not-too-distant future. It was a pleasure working with you!
Melody Cavanary, Executive Producer “Project Asteroid: Mapping Bennu”

Everyone’s raving about your work & ideas – I admit, you are a genius!
Ed Moore, Executive Producer of Documentary Programs, Detroit Public Television 

How do you do it? You really nailed the story and theme – every word of your description of SARAH SQUARED sparkles! Your choice of images is mind-blowingly good! I wish I could wake up every morning to an email that sings like this.
Nancy Kelly, filmmaker

Bill Baker (General Manager, WNET New York) called today about his upcoming project, “Picturing Mary.” He wants you on it, says you’re the best, and I agree.
Robin Rodriguez, Director of Program Administration, Thirteen/WNET, New York

I think the series will be very, very successful. And with you behind it, well…!!!
Steven Segaller, Director of News & Public Affairs Programming, Thirteen/WNET

I love the way you think. I can’t tell you that enough! You are incredible and we are incredibly grateful.
Keith Ochwat, Documentary filmmaker & consultant (multiple films)

I think you are a genius. Thank you for doing such a great job intuiting/interpreting the message and heart behind the film so beautifully! I love the way you articulate the vision!!
Sara Lamm, filmmaker, “Thank You for Coming”

It seems like yesterday that we were having tacos … and dreaming about what could be in store for Roadtrip Nation. You’ve built this together with us shoulder to shoulder for so many years now, and it is safe to say Roadtrip Nation would not be what it is today without you. I hope you know what a difference you’ve made to us personally, and all the people out there who’ve experienced it. Many of them would never even have known about Roadtrip Nation if it weren’t for you. THANK YOU for dedicating a part of your own journey to making RTN what it is today. We certainly would not be here without you. With much love and appreciation.
Mike Marriner, Founder, Roadtrip Nation

My Dear Friend and Former Colleague, I love reading about your adventures and occasional mis-adventures during your relocation efforts. If anyone can make this happen, it’s you. I think the key word for your adventure is “Kismet”. Follow your heart and the rest of you will follow along with it. Wishing you the best of luck in your amazing future. You’ve got this!
Andrea McKenna, Director of Programming, Houston PBS

I am following you every step of the way. Loving it, loving you. I identify with every single word you write … I don’t know how much you’re suffering/enjoying your journey but I’m walking in your shoes.
Joyce Barnett, San Miquel d’Allende, Mexico

Hi, I’m Bruce, publisher of Portugal Living Magazine. I am always looking for engaging, well-written, relatable stories to share with our readers. May I share yours?

Olá Kristin, Thank you for sharing the link to your blog. I am down the rabbit hole and enjoying every minute of your magical adventure … Your blog is adding immense joy to my visions. Envisioning the ‘Oceans of Love’ book that will one day lay on my table.
Continued Adventures,
Sheila Higgins, Producer, “Stranger at Home”

Thank you, Kristin for getting “Warrior Women” out there for us. You are clearly a PBS whisperer magician!
Beth Castle, Director & Producer, “Warrior Women”

I’ve met some incredible people during my journey with this film and you are one of them… You are one of the coolest ladies I’ve met in a long time.
Susan Smiley, Director, “Out of the Shadow”

I am grateful for all of your hard work and wisdom … I’m also just pleased to have gotten to know you as a human. 
Linda Midgett, writer & filmmaker, “Same God”

Kristin, I really love your writing, and this new little snippet of life finally pushed me out of my shell to reach out and tell you how much this , as well as your other posts, touch my heart and fill me with joy. FYI, my village’s bells ring three minutes early, and here, I get to hear the local goat herder’ flock’s bells jingle as they walk out of the village and then return again to go home in the evening. It’s the most beautiful, calming sound. Thank you for sharing your words.
Constance B.

Kristin, I have been following with interest your adventures in moving from Asheville to Portugal. Your writing is lyrical and down-to-earth at the same time.

Keep writing!
Bruce Ward, President
Choose Outdoor

Have enjoyed reading about your travails. Please tell me you are keeping a journal that will be turned into a book. I think the saga of your move is worthy of a doc.
Patrick Yack, Exec Director, Florida Public Media

On a personal note, I just want to say that I think you have done a fantastic job for Tartan TV. Your lovely warm, easy going style clearly is a tremendous asset, but you also back it up with the necessary know-how and detail that is involved in clinching those deals with the stations. I do hope that we actually get to meet sometime and have a glass of something expensive!
Fiona Kennedy, Scottish Singer, Actress, and series host, Tartan Television

I think those of us striving to make a difference, connect somewhere, somehow on the same spiritual frequency …
You are really amazing.
Steve Budlong, Director “Where Words Prevail”

Kristin, your magic still dazzles – thank you!
Michael Kinomoto, Supervising Producer, ITVS